AIDA Depth World Championship
2-15 września 2019 | Nicea
Mistrz Świata we freedivingu podczas AIDA Depth World Championship 2-15 września 2019 we Francji zdobył brązwoy medal nurkując 80 metrów w głąb Morza Śródziemnego.
Kilka słów od Mateusza po zwycięstwie:
Today in a very challenging conditions I dived to 80 meters and back on a single breath of air using only my muscles to propel myself by swimming breaststroke. This dive awarded me a bronze medal at AIDA World Championships. I’m very happy, it is my competition best in a Mediterranean Sea, with water as cold as 13C at depth and I wear only 2 mm #orcafreedive wetsuit which normally keeps me warm for one maximum no warmup dive. Today it was tough as there were multiple delays. I ended up being in a water two times. Thanks to help from my friend PJ Polak who did everything he could to reheat me, I managed to pull myself together and do the dive.
Mateusz Malina